Frequently Asked Questions



Who maintains the address system for students at the University of Missouri?
The Registrar's Office maintains the address system.

Can I change my address over the phone?
Address changes must be made in person or in writing to the Registration Office, Missouri University of Science and Technology, 103 Parker Hall, Rolla, MO 65409 or through Joe'SS.

Whom would I contact to have my bills sent to an address of my choice?
Paper billing statements are only sent to non-enrolled students who still have a balance. If you are an enrolled student, you can only view your billing statement through Joe'SS. If you are a non-enrolled student, you may contact the Cashiers Office to make changes in the designation of where your student bill is sent.


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Can I make payments on my account instead of paying it in full?
Yes, but remember that a one percent finance charge is assessed on the unpaid billed balance each month until the balance is paid in full. The balance must be paid in full by the last payment due date of each semester.

When are bills normally available to view?
The bills are normally generated on or around the 15th of each month. An e-mail will be sent to the student Missouri S&T e-mail address and any other e-mail addresses that are setup with the student account under the Authorized Payers when the billing statement is ready to be viewed.

When are bills due?
The bills are due on the 10th of the following month.

Summer Semester: Due May 10th, June 10th and July 10th

Fall Semester: Due August 10th, September 10th, October 10th and November 10th

Spring Semester: Due January 10th, February 10th, March 10th and April 10th

Is there any penalty for not paying my bill on time?
The minimum payment must be made by the due date or you will be subject to a $10.00 late fee. There will be a one percent monthly finance charge on the unpaid billed balance until the balance is paid in full. If it is the first payment due date of the semester, the payment must be made on time or your classes will be subject to cancellation.

What is the "Refund" on my bill?
This is a refund check that has been written to you or deposited in your bank account for a credit balance on your account.

Why am I being charged if this is a refund?
If you have a credit on your account and we write you a check for that amount we must first remove the money from your account. We do this by charging your account. This will bring your account to a zero balance at the time we make the charge.

Do you accept online payment?
Yes. You may pay online via e-check, which is a direct debit of your checking or savings account, through Joe'SS. Payments may also be made on the student account with Visa, MasterCard, Discover, and American Express credit card. Please be aware that a 2.85% ($3.00 minimum) service fee will apply and is processed by our third party provider. You may make a payment through the Joe'SS system or log into the Authorized Payers section. You can then select to pay with e-check or by MasterCard, Discover, or American Express credit card.

Can I still send a check payment in through regular mail?
Yes you can. You can log into the Joe'SS system or log into the Authorized Payers section and then print out a copy of the billing statement and send in the payment through the mail. Please send payments directly to our office for faster processing. Our mailing address is: Missouri S&T Cashier's Office, G-4 Parker Hall, Rolla, MO 65409. Please have the student ID number on the memo portion of the check.

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The S&T Store

Why is my student account being charged automatically for course material?

All students enrolled in AutoAccess courses are automatically billed for the content. The S&T Store will charge your student account for the cost of your AutoAccess prior to the start of classes. AutoAccess is a collaboration between your professor, the publisher, and The S&T Store. It provides the required materials automatically when you enroll in the course at a reduced cost.

What if I drop the AutoAccess course?

As long as you drop the course before Add/Drop date you will be refunded the cost of your AutoAccess content.

Where can I get more information on how to opt out or assistance with AutoAccess, Cengage Unlimited?

We have negotiated to get your course materials at the lowest cost. These materials are required by your instructor. If you decided you don’t want to participate, you may opt out through the following methods,

Use your student portal link to manage AutoAccess. The link is located in the  AutoAccess email you received.

You can also be emailed the link by going to The S&T Store website-->textbooks-->shop and compare-->select your course and follow prompts.

For your convenience the link is here:

 If you need further assistance e-mail with name, student number, course/section number and issue.


How do I get an itemized breakdown of store charges?
You can login to your Joe'SS account and navigate to Self Service> Student Center.  Under the finance section you have the ability to view transactions posted to your student account by The S&T Store. Contact The S&T Store at (573)341-4705. Due to FERPA laws, the student must make the request

Can I make payments on my store charges?
The S&T Store charges are part of the student billing system and minimum payments may be offered as an option on the bill. Minimum payments will result in an additional one percent monthly finance charge on the unpaid billed balance.

Who is eligible to have a store charge account?
Currently enrolled students in good financial standing are eligible.

What if the store says I am not currently enrolled for the semester but I think I am?
Contact the Registrar’s Office for enrollment verification.

What should I do if the store refuses me charging privileges?
If there is a financial hold on your account, the store may not extend credit to you. Contact the Cashiers Office and we will determine if you are eligible to charge your account for store purchases.

I was told I have a $1250.00 credit balance with the store. How does this work?
The S&T Store offers students to charge up to $1250.00 in merchandise for each student. You do not receive a refund for any unused portion of this offer. Any charges made will be applied to your student account balance. If you need to exceed your limit, have the store contact the Cashiers Office to check the status of your student account balance.

How do I get a refund on my books if I drop a class or totally withdraw from the University?
Take your books and your add/drop or withdrawal slip immediately to The S&T Store. Credit will be given in the same manner as the books were purchased.

Where can I get an estimate on what my books might cost?
You can research textbook prices at

Can I get a refund on my books after using them for the semester?
Refunds on textbooks are left to the discretion of The S&T Store.

Can a student purchase books with a check?

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Who do I write the check out to?
You can make the check payable to the Missouri University of Science and Technology or Missouri S&T.

Can I postdate a check?
No. Postdated checks are not accepted.

Do you accept third-party checks?
No. Third party checks are not accepted. If the check is made out to a student only, they must cash the check and then pay us with a check, cash, or credit/debit card. If a check is payable to a student AND the Missouri University of Science and Technology, then yes, we can accept the check with proper endorsement from the student.

Is there a penalty for checks that do not clear my bank?
Yes, at the present time the Missouri University of Science and Technology charges a returned check fee of $20.00 for each check returned by your bank.

What is the University's returned check policy?
One check returned: after it is paid in full, the student's check writing privileges are returned.
Two checks returned: after they are paid in full, the student will not be able to write checks until the next semester they are enrolled.
Three checks returned: check writing privileges are revoked forever! All future payments will have to be made by cashier's check, money order, or approved credit card.

Who do I contact to pay for a returned check and returned check charge?
Contact the Cashiers Office, Missouri University of Science and Technology, G-4 Parker Hall, Rolla, MO 65409 or call (573)341-4195.

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Who do I contact to find out what the class rates are?
Rates are available on this web site under Student Fees.

Am I required to have all holds cleared before I become financially enrolled for the next semester?
Yes, you are. Any loan or past due holds must be cleared before you can become financially enrolled in a new semester.

What happens if my past semester balance is not paid?
If your past semester is not paid in full, you will be subject to cancellation of the future semester. Unpaid past semester(s) may also prevent enrollment of future semesters.

Who do I contact to register for the first time?
All inquires should be addressed to the Admissions Office, 106 Parker Hall, 1870 Miner Circle, Rolla, Missouri 65409 or phone at (573)341-4165. The toll-free number for Missouri and Illinois residents is 1-800-522-0938.

Who do I contact if I wish to transfer from my present school to the University of Missouri?
All inquires should be addressed to the Admissions Office, Missouri University of Science and Technology, 106 Parker Hall, 1870 Miner Circle,Rolla, Missouri 65409 or phone at (573)341-4165. The toll-free number for Missouri and Illinois residents is 1-800-522-0938.

Who is qualified to participate in Priority Registration?
Currently enrolled students in good standing are qualified to participate in early registration.

When am I charged for waitlisted classes?
Fees are not assessed for waitlisted classes until you are actually enrolled in the class and will likely not show up until the second or third billing statement of the semester.

How will waitlisted classes affect my refund?
If a student is waitlisted for a class, any potential refunds are held until the end of the first week of class. This holding time allows for fees to be assessed for any new classes.

If I wish to drop a class, whom do I need to contact?
Drops are initiated at the Registrars Office.

If I want to withdraw from the University, whom do I contact?
Withdrawals are initiated at the Registrars Office.

Is there a charge for withdrawing from the University?
If you are financially enrolled for the semester and you withdraw prior to the first day of class, there is a $20.00 cancellation fee. If you withdraw the first day of class or after, you will receive a percentage-based refund based on the date you withdraw. The further into the semester the less you will receive as a refund on your bill. Please see refund schedules for the percentage refund. For additional information please click here.

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I am an employee of the University, do I need to sign up for direct deposit again?
Yes! In order to receive a student refund, you will need to set up your direct deposit with the Joe'SS system.

How do I sign up for direct deposit of my student refunds?
Please click on the TouchNet Payment Profile page for step-by-step directions on how to set up direct deposit through Joe'SS .

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Tuition and Related Fees:

Tuition and related fees are the main fees that a university charges for instruction. At Missouri S&T, the Board of Curators sets these fees annually and they are charged for enrollment in any credit course.  Separate tuition rates are established by student level (undergraduate and graduate), residency status (Missouri resident, domestic non-resident, and international students), and by the student's degree plan.  Tuition tiers correspond to the market and cost of delivering the degree, factoring in the cost of specialized facilities, equipment, and faculty.  

S&T offers a plateau (a flat rate charge) for undergraduate students who take 12-18 credit hours per semester.  By removing the financial barrier of enrolling in additional courses within the plateau, you can enroll into fuller course loads (15 hours vs. 12 hours) and graduate on time.  Credit hours outside of that range will be assessed at 1/12 of the flat rate.  This structure allows you take exploratory courses at no additional cost.  Students should continue to work with their academic advisors to create course schedules most appropriate to their learning needs and programs of study.  If you are enrolled in a graduate program, you will continue to be assessed on a per credit hour basis.

Charges for tuition and related fees change annually based on the approved rates, the number of credit courses taken, and the student's degree plan.

International Tuition Rates:

The University of Missouri Board of Curators approved a new tuition rate for graduate international students that is $78 per credit hour above the non-resident (out-of-state) rate. This additional tuition revenue will help fund services the university provides to its international students to help them be successful on campus as well as partially funding scholarships for international students.

What is the Activity & Facilities Fee?

The Activity and Facilities Fee is charged to students each semester to pay for a variety of activities, services, and bonded debt on student fee funded buildings. Approved by the Board of Curators with input from the Student Council, the Activities and Facilities Fee provides funding for the Havener Center, intramural and recreational facilities and programs, campus events, the student newspaper, radio station, and funding for a variety of student organizations. Graduate students pay an additional fee to fund the Council of Graduate Students. The activity/facility fee is prorated for students enrolled in fewer than twelve hours.  The activity/facility fee is charged to all students enrolled in on-campus degree programs.

What is the Health Service Fee?

The Health Service Fee provides students access to services offered by the Student health Center and services offered by the Counseling Center. This fee supports pro-active health programs such as the university’s monitoring of student immunization compliance and on campus health concerns such as communicable disease outbreaks. This fee also supports campus wellness programs that are designed to aid students in making healthy lifestyle choices.  Students’ can access either the Student Health Center or the Counseling Center Monday-Friday, 8:00 a.m. -4:30 p.m. Both offices are staffed with licensed professionals who provide an array of preventative, diagnostic, clinical and educational services.  For more information, please see the Counseling Center website  or the Student Health Center website.

I already have insurance, do I still have to pay the Health Service Fee?
Yes, this is a mandatory fee for all students.

What is an Academic Testing Fee?

An Academic Testing Fee was implemented spring 2014 to allow Missouri University Of Science and Technology to provide the on-line Fundamental of Engineering (FE) exam and to accommodate the growth for testing services not restricted to engineering related testing. This is a mandatory charge for all students classified as a Sophomore, Junior and Senior.  The fee is $26.25 per semester for a Senior; $15.75 per semester for a Junior and $7.35 per semester for a Sophomore. For more information please visit the Testing Center at

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What is classified as Financial Aid?
Any Grant, Scholarship, or Loan applied to the student account.

Where can I find out information about my eligibility for financial aid?
All questions on eligibility for financial aid should be directed to Student Financial Assistance, Missouri University of Science and Technology, G-1 Parker Hall, Rolla MO 65409 or phone at (573)341-4282. The toll-free number for Missouri and Illinois residents is 1-800-522-0938 .

What will financial aid pay for?
Financial aid is applied to your account covering anything on your student bill at that time. If the financial aid application results in a credit balance on your account, then a refund is issued to you.

If I am eligible for financial aid why am I receiving a bill?
If you have received a bill then your aid was not enough to take care of the total due.

If my statement does not show my financial aid that I am eligible for who do I need to contact?
Contact the Student Financial Assistance Office at (573)341-4282.

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I never received my grades. Who do I contact?
Contact the Registrar's Office, Missouri University of Science and Technology, 103 Parker Hall, Rolla, MO 65409 or phone (573)341-4181.

Who do I contact to be sure that the grade of an incomplete has been changed?
Contact the Registrar's Office, Missouri University of Science and Technology, 103 Parker Hall, Rolla, MO 65409 or phone (573)341-4181.

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Where do I go to get an ID card?
You may obtain an ID card at the Miner ID Card Office located at the Help Desk in the Curtis Laws Wilson Library.

Why do I need a student ID card?
After you become financially enrolled your ID card will allow you access to campus facilities, meals, dorm after hours, and to charge items to your student account. It also provides a second picture ID for you.

If I lose my ID is there a charge for a new one and where should I go?
Yes, there is a charge and you will need to go to the Miner ID Card Office located at the Help Desk in the Curtis Laws Wilson Library.

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International Payments

Can International students do a wire transfer from their country?

Missouri University of Science & Technology has partnered with TransferMate in order to streamline the process of international payments. TransferMate allows you to pay securely from any country and any bank, generally in your home currency.

What are the benefits of using TransferMate?

    • Faster payment posting to your student account  
    • Local currency payment methods  
    • Great exchange rates  
    • 24-hour customer service from TransferMate  
    • 24-hour online tracking of payments 

How do I make a payment with TransferMate?

Log-in to your TouchNet account through your Joe'SS studnet center and follow the Make a payment prompts.  Watch this video for step by step instructions.


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Can I enroll in a medical insurance plan?
The University system does not offer a health insurance plan. However, Anthem Student Health does provide a Student Accident and Sickness Insurance Plan. Please visit the Student Health website for more information and enrollment details.

Who is eligible to be enrolled in the student accident and sickness insurance plan?
Current financially enrolled students, their spouse, and/or children.

Who can tell me what the student insurance policy will cover?
 You may visit the Student Health website for additional information.

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What are the parking charges on my account?
The University Police posts charges on your student account for your parking permit and traffic fines. If payment is not received within a reasonable length of time, tickets are then placed on your student account.

This parking charge has a transaction date and I was not in school then.
The date shown on your monthly billing statement is the date the charge was entered on your student account; not necessarily the date you were given the ticket.

Who do I contact to find out when I received the ticket?
Contact University Police at (573) 341-4303.

I don't own a car; why do I have a parking charge on my bill?
Contact University Police at (573) 341-4303.

If I received a parking ticket, where do I pay it?
You can pay for your ticket at the University Police Office G10 Campus Support or at the Cashier's Office at G-4 Parker Hall.

Why does it take so long for parking tickets to show up on my student account?
Any questions should be directed to the University Police at (573) 341-4303.

I have already paid for a parking ticket, why am I being billed for it again?
If you feel you are being billed for the same traffic ticket, you need to contact the University Police at (573) 341-4303.

Whom do I need to contact to get a parking permit?
Contact University Parking Department at (573) 341-4303.

Can I have my parking permit charged to my student account and put on my monthly billing statement?

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When do I get my refund?
The first refund of the semester, is processed after the financial aid is posted to the student accounts, provided that all necessary paperwork has been completed including the signing of promissory notes. This is typically done 10 days before the start of the semester. Once posted, we start reviewing accounts and processing refunds. Refunds are processed two different ways. If you are set up with direct deposit, funds are typically in your bank account 3-5 business days after it's processed. You will receive an e-mail once it's processed.

If you are not set up with direct deposit, a paper check is mailed from our Columbia campus to the local address that is on your account. Checks are printed once weekly, normally on Tuesday. Please allow 10-14 business days from the date shown on your student account to receive your check by US mail. If you have not received your refund check you can request for the check to be re-issued by filling out an affidavit through the cashier’s office 30 days after the check issued date. REFUND CHECKS ARE NOT DISTRIBUTED THROUGH THE MISSOURI S&T CASHIER'S OFFICE.

How will waitlisted classes affect my refund?
If a student is waitlisted for a class, any potential refunds are held until the end of the first week of class. This holding time allows for fees to be assessed for any new classes.

If I drop a class do I receive a credit for class fees?
If you drop a class before classes begin you will receive full credit for the cost of the class. If you drop a class once classes have started you will receive credit equal to a percentage of the cost of the class.

Where can I obtain a copy of the refund schedule?
A refund schedule is available as part of the academic dates and deadlines link shown each semester from the Registrar's Office.

All of my classes are off campus this semester, who do I need to contact in regards to refund checks I might be receiving?
Contact the Cashiers Office at (573) 341-4195.

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When do the charges for room and board appear on the electronic billing statement?
Charges for room and board for the Fall semester will be shown once room assignments have been made. The Spring semester charges should typically be shown on the December 10th billing. Summer charges for room and board are billed on the June 10th billing statement. Charges for room and board for Hit the Ground Running summer program will be billed once the student arrives for the particular program, which will be shown on the August 10th statement. These dates are contingent on when the student applies for housing and room assignments are made. 

If my roommate moves out, will I automatically be charged a single room rate if no one moves in?

No. The room will remain an unassigned double until another student is assigned.

If I withdraw from school and vacate my room before the end of the semester, who can I contact to find out how much credit I will be receiving?
To start the vacate process in the middle of the semester you will need to go to the Residential Life Office in 205 West 12th Street. Once you have successfully checked out of your room through your complex front desk, your check out will be confirmed with the Residential Life office and a credit will be issued in a pro rated amount. Please allow at least one week for the credit to appear on your account. If you have not received your credit within one week, please contact the Residential Life Office.

What is the buy-out penalty for breaking my housing contract?
All housing contracts are for the full academic year. Only in extreme cases (marriage, birth of a child, enrolled in less than 9 hours of academic work) are requests to terminate the housing contract considered. If granted, the cancellation penalty is determined by the Residential Life office.

What is the room damage charge?
All questions on room damage should be directed to the Resident Director of the complex where the room damage occurred. If unknown, you may contact Residential Life and they will forward you to the appropriate complex director.

Can I renew my residential hall contract for the next year and keep the same room?
Current residents have the opportunity every spring to re-apply for the same room for the coming Fall semester. All current residents are sent a re-application agreement and brochure with a timeline for re-application. For questions about re-application, you can go to Res Life's web site,, or e-mail

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What is meant by Sponsor Billing?
Sponsor billing is a payment agreement between the student, university, and the student's sponsor. The sponsor is an outside source that takes responsibility for all or partial payment of fees, books, etc. A third party sponsor is not an individual such as a parent or grandparent, but an agency such as the military or Vocational Rehabilitation. Please see our web page on sponsor billing.

Must I request that my fees be paid by my sponsor each semester?
Please see "What is Sponsor Billing?" on our sponsor billing web page.

If my class fees are reduced who will receive the refund or credit?
The sponsor receives the refund or credit for any reduction of fees that they were originally billed for.

How do I have my bookstore charges billed to my sponsor?
Documents showing sponsor approval should be sent to the Bookstore Office at University Stores, University of Missouri, TA Brady Commons, Columbia, MO 65211. You should have the bookstore clerk process your bookstore charges on a "house charge" to your sponsor. Any bookstore charges that are to be paid by your sponsor SHOULD NOT be charged on your student ID card.

Does Sponsor Billing only bill charges for class fees?
Coverage by sponsor varies. Any questions about what your sponsor will cover should be directed to your sponsor.

Will I need to forward my monthly billing statement to my sponsor?
No, the Sponsor Billing office will bill your sponsor for you after the 25% refund period is over.

What happens if my sponsor does not pay my fees?
Initially, you will have credit put on your student account for the charges billed to your sponsor. But if your sponsor fails to respond to the bill by the due date, the credit applied to your account in anticipation of your sponsor paying is removed. You will now be billed and subject to interest.

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Who do I contact if I wish to have a transcript mailed and is there a charge?
Contact the Registrar's Office, Missouri University of Science and Technology, 103 Parker Hall, Rolla, MO 65409 or by phone at (573)341-4181.

Does my account with the University of Missouri have to be paid in full before I can receive my transcript?
Yes, you may not receive a transcript unless all accounts with the University of Missouri are paid in full.

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